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Melbourne design label Accessory Emergency, news, events, happenings, pop up markets, general rants

Melbourne design label, Accessory Emergency, news, events, happenings, pop up markets, melbourne design markets, design process.


Sarah Cole

Excited to take part in this weekends Footscray Finds Market. We have taken this opportunity to dust of archived experiments, the weird and wonderful concept models and prototypes never been seen before. Come and purchase an accessory emergency rarity.

Rare Clothing, Kimonos, Obis, Haori, Statement Bangles, Bold Earrings, Big Necklaces, Y2K Skinny jeans, Boho Chic Clothing, Vintage 1970’s Wedding Dresses, Australian and European Designer Luxury, Ski Jackets, Y2K Shoes and Boots, Y2K Sunglasses, Melissa Brazil Jelly shoes, Vintage 50’s cut crystal earrings, Indian silver Jewellery, Floral Fabrics, think Liberty meets William Morris and more.
