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Melbourne design label Accessory Emergency, news, events, happenings, pop up markets, general rants

Melbourne design label, Accessory Emergency, news, events, happenings, pop up markets, melbourne design markets, design process.


Sarah Cole

Coming soon, and procured from our trip to Japan, some beautiful second hand selvedge denims and canvasses will combine with original accessory emergency graphics to create some unique robust purpose built shopping and picnicking totes. In this economy it is all about procuring your gourmet items form you favorite local market within a quick walk from our homes. But there is no need for Avocados to be squished to guac by your favorite bottle of Pet Nat. These functional totes will have a place for everything, bottles, baguettes, fragile spindles of herbaceous delights, and the all so important perfectly selected avocado. Perfectly reworked materials lead to a sustainable shopping experience.