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Melbourne design label Accessory Emergency, news, events, happenings, pop up markets, general rants

Melbourne design label, Accessory Emergency, news, events, happenings, pop up markets, melbourne design markets, design process.

Filtering by Tag: Graphic design


Sarah Cole

       We have loads of fun in the studio with this bright colourful heat transfer vinyl, and our KNK MAXX die cutter.  It allows us to customise our graphics to fit reclaimed fabric swatches, and quickly create unique mockups and one off bespoke creations. We also recycle all the inbetweeny bits as it creates unique little hieroglyphic patternations. Like allot of the Accessory Emergency unique pieces, they are often created via unplanned  or surprise aesthetics which tend to reveal  themselves midprocess. 

     We’ve also integrated some beautifully coloured foil tranfers that we found at Resource Rescue last week (read lasts weeks news for details on our wonderfully fun visit).  Have a look at some of those metallics. 

      This matte yellow vinyl is looking fab against a wild Fluoro apricot 80’s fabric, had now idea how good it might look until I decided to lay some remnants on the table this morning.

      It’s  such a happy day when all these good things culminate in a unique design, and as a creative it’s just really critical that you push through those darker times, as nothing ever stays the same for long when you’re unplanning creativity. 


