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A carefully chosen selection of retro, vintage, secondhand designer or secondhand luxury fashion. Focusing on fashion, lifestyle, interior design, homewares and antiques.

Iconic Soy Sauce Fish Sterling Silver Perfume Bottle Pendant

Sterling Silver Perfume Bottle Necklace Pendant
Fine Sterling Silver Necklace Pendant
Japanese Soy Sauce Fish Jewelry
Perfume Bottle Necklace Pendant
Japanese Inspired Jewelry
Melbourne Design, Japanese Style
Sterling Silver Perfume Bottle Necklace Pendant
Fine Sterling Silver Necklace Pendant
Japanese Soy Sauce Fish Jewelry
Perfume Bottle Necklace Pendant
Japanese Inspired Jewelry
Melbourne Design, Japanese Style
sold out

Iconic Soy Sauce Fish Sterling Silver Perfume Bottle Pendant


The Iconic Japanese Soy Sauce Fish converted into a beautiful Sterling Silver 925 Perfume Bottle Pendant.

This stunning piece Made by Melbourne Master jeweler Infinity and produced in 1998. A very Melbourne statement of the era, converting and re-framing everyday objects into precious metal adornments

Such a unique twist on this ubiquitous Japanese icon.

Wear it with your favorite perfume, essential oil, or soy sauce.

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