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Sacred Tria to Tria Bangle - Almost Black

sacred geometry
statement 3d print
Additive Manufacturing
sacred geometry
statement 3d print
Additive Manufacturing

Sacred Tria to Tria Bangle - Almost Black

Sale Price:A$96.00 Original Price:A$148.00

A beautiful example of scared geometry in physical form enabled by additive manufacturing or 3d printing. The last piece to the puzzle, human movement. This piece is really brought to life by the wearer and needs to be experienced not just acquired and constrained to a drawer.

The Tria to Tria bangle has been produced on a professional additive technology called SLS , the material is nylon 12 renowned for it’s durability. The PA 12 a protein polymer , has a warm and wood like feel, incredibly lightweight owing to the construction technique, material and open lattice design structure which really enables such generous proportions to become wearable.

Matte Finish



Small to medium size - Internal diameter 64 mm ( or 2.51 inches )

Statement Proportions
115mm / 115mm/45mm in height

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